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$5 Donation


Donators in this tier recieve a digital version of the first chapter when it becomes available.



All donaters will be granted early versions of the game as well as the final version(s) for the appropriate donation tier.

When the episodes are each completed they will be sold for $50 each. (To clarify if you donate you do get the completed episode(s) listed in that section for free when they become available.)

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$20 Donation


Donators in this tier recieve a digital version of the first episode (4 chapters) and have their name featured on a special credits page. The price of each episode will be $50 when it is released.

$99 Donation


Donators in this tier recieve a digital version of the first season and have their name featured on a special credits page. The price of the first four episodes will be $50 each.

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